

  1. 答:I prefer working by myself.
    doing with a partner may allow you to expand into a more dynamic approach.
    discount the psychological benefit of having partners either
    intsist my idea and agree with if we have some diffevent issues
    I need personal time to have fun and be relaxing
    As a sole owner, your vision for pany will pletely promised
    Having one vision for pany can also benefit you long-term, as differing views or changes in personal needs can start to divide patible partners.
    difinitely,working on your own can actually increase your productivity in a number of times.
    No way. I cant handle it..
  2. 答:1.I like Entrepreneurship。2.doing with a partner may allow you to expand into a more dynamic approach.3.discount the psychological benefit of having partners either4.intsist my idea and agree with if we have some diffevent issues5.4-6hrs
    6.I need personal time to have fun and be relaxing
    7.As a sole owner, your vision for pany will pletely promised
    8.Having one vision for pany can also benefit you long-term, as differing views or changes in personal needs can start to divide patible partners.
  1. 答:如果是态度题,那么用“so so”比较好。这表现了一种对事物看法的态度,common没有这种意思。
问:问卷调查 英文
  1. 答:The questionnaire used in the form of questions and answers, the implementation bearer form, aims to strengthen exchanges with students and friends to understand the students in puter work applications extent necessary, more targeted mence teaching activities. Participants friends can according to their actual situation, in front of their own choice option, you can also express different views on topics below.
  2. 答:你是要我给你一份考卷还是怎么地
